Lasciati affascinare

Dr. Giuseppe Cefarelli
"Cefarelli G., D'Abrosca B.,Fiorentino A., Izzo A., Monaco P. Isolation, characterization and antioxidant activity of z- and e-p-coumaryl alcohol fatty acid esters from cv. annurca apple fruit.J AGR FOOD CHEM; 0021-8561; ; Vol. 53(9); Pagg. 3525-3529, 2005
Cefarelli G., D’Abrosca B.,Fiorentino A., Izzo A.,Mastellone C., Pacifico S.,Piscopo V. Free radical scavenging and antioxidant activities of secondary metabolites from reddened cv. Annurca apple fruits. J AGR FOOD CHEM; 0021-8561; ; Vol. 54(3); Pagg. 803-809, 2006.
Cefarelli G., D'Abrosca B., Pacifico S., Fiorentino A., mastellone C. ‘Limoncella’ apple fruit, an italy apple cultivar: phenol and flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity.FOOD CHEM; 0308-8146; ; vol. 104(4); pagg. 1333-1337; 2007
Cefarelli G., D'Abrosca B., Fiorentino A., Pacifico S., Uzzo P., Letizia M., Monaco P. Natural feruloyl monoglyceride macrocycles as protecting factors against free-radical damage of lipidic membranes.BIOORG MED CHEM LETT; 0960-894X; ; Vol. 17(15); Pagg. 4135-4139; 2007
Cefarelli G., D'Abrosca B., Fiorentino A., Pacifico S., Uzzo P., Monaco P. Natural dibenzoxazepinones from leaves of carex distachya: structural elucidation and radical scavenging activity.BIOORG MED CHEM LETT; 0960-894X; ; Vol. 17(3); Pagg. 636-639; 2007
Cefarelli G., D’Abrosca B., Esposito A., Fiorentino A., Golino A., Izzo A., Monaco P. Potential allelopathic interferences of melilotus neapolitana metabolites on three coexisting species of mediterranean herbaceous plant community.JOURNAL OF PLANT INTERACTIONS; 1742-9145; Informa UK (Taylor & Francis); Vol. 3(3); Pagg. 199-210; 2008
Cefarelli G., D'Abrosca B., Della Greca M., Fiorentino A., Izzo A., Natale A., Pascarella M. T., Pacifico S., Monaco P. Chemical characterization of new oxylipins from cestrum parqui and their effects on seed germination and early seedling growth.CHEM BIODIVERS; 1612-1872; ; Vol. 5(9); Pagg. 1780-1791; 2008
Cefarelli G., D'Abrosca B., Fiorentino A., Izzo A., Pascarella M. T., Monaco P., Uzzo P. Phytotoxicity evaluation of five pharmaceutical pollutants detected in surface water on germination and growth of cultivated and spontaneous plants.J ENVIRON SCI HEAL A; 1093-4529; ; Vol. 43; Pagg. 285-294; 2008
Cefarelli G., Caputo R., D’Abrosca B., Fiorentino A., Mastellone C., Monaco P., Pacifico S.,Scognamiglio M. delta-Tocomonoenol: a new vitamin e from kiwi (actinidia chinensis) fruits.FOOD CHEM; 0308-8146; ; Vol. 115(1); Pagg. 187-192; 2009